IAM Presents Contract Flipping Issue to Standing Parliamentary Committee 

 frank  25 September, 2024

Imagine not knowing whether you will be working for the same employer, a new employer or whether or not you will even have a job moving forward.

This is what IAM members at TBH Services are facing with their current contract with the GTAA set to expire in 28 days on October 22, 2024. The contract is part of an Request for Proposal Process that would allow the GTAA the ability to provide the contract to another employer. This practice is known as contract flipping. 

Dan Janssen, General Chairperson of District 140 travelled to Ottawa on September 24, 2024, to speak with a standing committee of Parliament about the stress and anxiety these members are experiencing due to the lack of proper safeguards and notice requirements as well as to highlight the need for living wages for airport workers. 

Janssen urged the committee to fix the loopholes that still exist in the Code. “I am seeking help for my coworkers, Bill C-330 could pass in this session of the house, legislation for RFP notice periods should align with the group termination timelines and the minimum standard should no less than living wages for all airport workers.”

NDP MP Alexander Boulerice’s has introduced a private members Bill C-330 This bill, if passed, would ensure workers maintained the same collective agreement and union despite whether the employer changes during a contract flip. 

Following the meeting, Janssen highlighted the IAM’s commitment to political action. “The IAM has always been a strong political advocate for workers rights. I want to thank NDP labour Critic MP Matthew Green and his office for his support for an airport living wage and helping to address contract flipping.”

The committee hearing can viewed here: https://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/00010101/-1/42268?Embedded=true&globalstreamId=20&viewMode=3 

Posted in Machinists’ News