As contracts still continue to be flipped from one vendor to another vender for services in all areas across Canadian airports, Union’s continue to push Parliament for change within the aviation industry. The bad faith practice has become more of a challenges in protecting their members with the same level of income and job security when it comes to the knowledge of the product and the experience of service with long term employment in the federal regulated industry. All IAMAW members in Local Lodge 2734 rejoiced with the announcement of NDP’s MR. Boulerice’s introduction to an amendment of the Canada Labour Code on April 20, 2023. The amendment aims to block the loophole of the contract flipping practice. The loophole help the airports restart everyone’s wages and benefits to keep costs down with the new employer of the same contract but now with Bill C-330 (successor rights and obligations — airports) would aim to put the members at ease if a contract gets lost. This Bill will help members to keep food on the table for their families when they transferred with their CBA. As ATS lost the WestJet contract with Septembers 6th announcement, 800 Layoff notices started to be handed out to all IAM members. The members knew with The Local Lodge 2734 and District 140 working closely with the Unifi team to make the transition, for the members, as smooth as possible to Unifi with all rights protected with the copying of the ATS’ CBA, Pay scales and Union Time seniority transferred over the Unifi.
In Summery
This enactment amends the Canada Labour Code to provide that
an employer who is an airport authority or a provider of services
to an airport authority and who replaces a previous contractor
must observe the certification of the previous trade union and
the terms and conditions of employment, rights and privileges of
the employees of the previous contractor.